Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Ethics Of Aristotle s Ethics - 1030 Words

In the book Nichomachean Ethics by Aristotle, Aristotle tries explain to us what the ultimate goal of the human life. He says that every activity we participate in has and ultimate goal or an end. He states that happiness is the ultimate goal in life and that every activity we engage in our daily lives is to achieve happiness. Since all activities we engage in have an end then he says that happiness is the highest of all ends. So as human beings the goal of life is to achieve the highest of all ends. Happiness is the highest end because it is sought after for itself and is not used as a means to something else. And since happiness is not used to reach something else it is considered the highest of all goods. Some things that cannot be happiness are pleasure, honor, and money. Happiness cannot be honor because it’s not stable, it is not self-sufficient and it is not unique. Happiness cannot be money because again it is not stable nor self-sufficient. And happiness can not be honor because like the other two it is not stable nor self-sufficient, honor depends on other people. Aristotle says that happiness is an activity of the soul in accord with virtue. A virtuous man is one who has been trained since childhood, a person who is rational and can control their impulses. A good person will always behave in a virtuous manner. Aristotle mentions two types of virtues, on relating to wisdom and one relating to character. Virtues of wisdom come through teachings.Show MoreRelatedAristotle s Ethics And Ethics Essay891 Words   |  4 Pagessays that people desire a conclusive theory on ethics. It is human nature to demand a clear path that does not meander into oblivion. Matters Ethics and Morality take twists and turns that seem to end in no specific action plan. Philosophers that came after J.S mill, Bentham, Kant, Aristotle and many more have strived to find a conclusive theory to Ethics. 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